
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

As I create and listen I will be led.

 The Artist Way Creative Affirmation #3.

I recently joined the Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap.  It arrived in my inbox.  I listened.  I created.  And I found bliss.

This little ditty first arrived in my inbox in February.  It was simple and free and fun.  The project consisted of making a postcard using the theme "create", incorporating some stitching.  Once I signed up, The Do What you Love staff then matched me with a person to swap cards.

The the whispers said, "Why not?  This is a sweet little project that I can do.  Maybe it will jumpstart the creative force inside me."  So I listened.  In an instant I signed up for the swap figuring I had lots of time to think of the perfect idea and to complete the perfect little card.

Then a few days later I received my postcard swap match and the dreaded DEADLINE...early March. Yikes!  Where did February go?  The gremlins laughed..."What were you thinking?  You don't have time for this.  The theme...Create...Ha!  How long will it take you to find that perfect create that perfect idea?  You will never finish!"

So...  I fought the gremlins.
I pulled out the Artist Way Affirmations and searched for one that spoke to me louder than the gremlins.  "As I create and listen I will be led."
I typed the words on Grace's vintage green Smith Corona with the hope of calling them into being.  I played.  Who knew that the sweet pink Starbuck's coffee sleeve I saved the other day would come in handy?  It was quickly transformed into birds that would help me take flight.  I pulled out my Janome and some turquoise thread and discovered a sweet floral stitch.  I played with my machine, and tiny treasures scattered throughout my art room.  I created.  And I finished!

So now off she goes in the mail to Florida!  Whoo Hoo!  Goodnight Gremlins!  As I create and listen I will be led!

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." 
- John 10:27